Ustanavljanje podružnic v Evropski uniji
Povzetek: Avtorica v prispevku predstavlja pojem podružnice ter pravno podlago za ustanavljanje podružnic znotraj EU in Slovenije. Analizirana je sodna praksa Sodišča EU, ki je pomembno vplivala na pravila pri ustanavljanju podružnic družb iz ene države članice v drugih državah članicah. Obravnavana je Enajsta direktiva o razkritjih podružnic, ki je bila sprejeta z namenom zahteve in poenotenja publicitete glede podružnic. Predstavljena je tudi ureditev podružnic v slovenskem pravnem redu in usklajenost slovenske nacionalne zakonodaje z zakonodajo EU. Ključne besede: podružnica, pravna ureditev podružnic, pravica do ustanovitve v EU, Enajsta direktiva o razkritjih podružnic, pravna ureditev podružnic v slovenski zakonodaji Abstract: The author discusses the concept of a branch and the legal framework for the establishment of branches within the EU and Slovenia. The case law of the ECJ, which had significant impact on the establishment of branches in a Member State by companies governed by the law of another Member State, is examined. The article addresses the Eleventh Company Law Directive concerning disclosure requirements in respect of branches, which was adopted with a goal to unify requirements and publicity regarding branches. The article also presents current regulation of branches in Slovenian law and the consistency of Slovenian national legislation with EU legislation. Key words: branch, regulation of branches, right of establishment in the EU, Eleventh Company Law Directive concerning disclosure requirements in respect of branches, regulation of branches in the Slovenian legislation

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Elektronski naslov