Izvršljivost notarskega zapisa nepremičninske najemne pogodbe

Povzetek: Pogodbe o najemu poslovnih prostorov in stanovanj spadajo med najpogostejše in najpomembnejše pravne posle gospodarskih subjektov kot tudi potrošnikov. Kljub temu na tem področju ni pravne gotovosti glede pomena in učinkovitosti izvršljivega notarskega zapisa. Sodna praksa v primerljivih primerih sprejema različne odločitve. Problem učinkovite izvršljivosti najemnikove obveznosti vrnitve nepremičnine lastniku zaradi neplačevanja najemnine je rešljiv z malenkostnima spremembama dveh zakonov, ki urejata to področje: Stanovanjskega zakona ter Zakona o poslovnih stavbah in poslovnih prostorih. Sprememba bi izključila sodno pristojnost za odpoved najemne pogodbe zaradi neplačevanja najemnine.

Ključne besede: najemna pogodba, izvršljivi notarski zapis, odpoved najemne pogodbe, izvršba, vrnitev nepremičnine lastniku

Title: Enforceability of a Notarial Deed of a Lease Agreement

Abstract: Lease agreements for business premises and apartments are one of the most common and most important legal transactions of business entities, as well as consumers. Nevertheless, there is no legal certainty in this area as to the effectiveness of the enforceable notarial deed. Judicial practice makes different decisions in similar cases. The problem of the effective enforceability of a lessee''s obligation to return the property to the owner because of non-payment of rent could be solved by minor amendments to the two laws regulating this area: the Housing Act and the Business Buildings and Business Premises Act. The amendment would exclude court jurisdiction in case of termination of the lease agreement due to non-payment of rent.

Keywords: lease agreement, enforceable notarial deed, cancellation of lease, enforcement, return of property to the owner

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Elektronski naslov