Vloga posredniških platform v tristranskem razmerju med ponudnikom,…

Povzetek: Članek raziskuje in analizira vlogo posredniških platform v okviru sodelovalnega gospodarstva, trenutno stanje njihove pravne ureditve in regulativne težnje za v prihodnosti. Avtorica v prvi vrsti opredeljuje naravo posredniških platform in pojasnjuje njihovo vlogo v sodelovalnem gospodarstvu, s poudarkom na dveh najvidnejših predstavnikih ter z njima povezanih storitvah - prevozom oseb, kratkoročnim najemom nepremičnin in obema skupno storitvijo informacijske družbe. Preučitvi njunih specifik ter analizi odločitev nacionalnih in evropskih institucij sledi primerjava aktualnih regulativnih pristopov k urejanju dveh kategorij posredniških platform; prva zajema platforme, ki v pravnem prometu nastopajo zgolj kot posrednice, druga pa tiste, ki poleg storitev informacijske družbe tudi same ponujajo sektorske storitve. V nadaljevanju avtorica ugotavlja, ali se za posredniške platforme lahko uporabljajo že obstoječa evropska zakonodaja in nacionalne zakonodaje držav članic EU oziroma na katerih področjih bi bilo še treba oblikovati nova pravila, nato pa v zaključnem delu članka na kratko predstavi možne alternative za pravno urejanje poslovnih modelov sodelovalnega gospodarstva.

Ključne besede: sodelovalno gospodarstvo, notranji trg EU, posredniška platforma, enotni digitalni trg, tehnološko podjetje, storitve informacijske družbe, Uber, Airbnb

Title: Role of Collaborative Platforms in a Trilateral Relationship among the Service Provider, the User and the Intermediary

Abstract: The article explores and analyses the role of intermediary platforms within the collaborative economy, the current state of their regulation, and the regulative tendencies for the future. The author primarily defines the nature of the intermediary platforms and explains their role within the collaborative economy, emphasising the two most prominent representatives and related services provided by them - transport of passengers, short-term rental of immovable property, and the information society service common to both. The examination of their specific features and the analysis of the decisions of national and European institutions in this context are followed by the comparison of current regulatory approaches to the regulation of two categories of intermediary platforms; the first one comprises the platforms acting merely as intermediaries in legal transactions, and the second one comprises the platforms which, in addition to the information society services, also offer sectoral services themselves. The author further strives to establish whether the existing European legislation and the national legislation of EU member states can be implemented for intermediary platforms, and determine in which areas new regulations should be created. The final part of the article contains a brief presentation of possible alternatives for the regulation of collaborative economy business models.

Keywords: collaborative economy, EU single market, collaborative platform, digital single market, technological company, information society services, Uber, Airbnb

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